
The Windemuth
Family Heritage

For information on the 2025 Windemuth Family Reunion, Click Here

J.G. House


Past Newsletters

Newsletters are published and mailed twice a year to Windemuth descendants listed in our database.  The newsletters contain family history, photos, stories about our heritage, along with current information about organizational activities and reunions.  If you are not receiving the newsletter and would like to, see the “Become a Member” item on the menu.


If you have stories, history, old photos or information on births, deaths and marriages that would be of interest to the greater Windemuth Family, please consider submitting them for inclusion in a future newsletter.  Submissions can be sent to:

Ralph Wintermute
26828 Neff Court
Canyon Country, California 91351
e-mail:  rwintermute@windemuth.org

Newsletter Archive

Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer to view past newsletters.  If you need this software, a free copy can be downloaded at this link.

Adobe Reader

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