
The Windemuth
Family Heritage

For information on the 2025 Windemuth Family Reunion, Click Here

J.G. House


Audio Clips


This page is used for placing audio clips submitted by family members. The audio clips can be about pretty much anything of interest.  If you have information about the Windemuth family history, if you have an interesting anecdote that others might be interested in, or if you have a story to tell that you think might interest other family members, by all means, send it to us as an audio file.  We would be more than happy to put it here on this page for others to hear and enjoy. 

To submit an audio clip for consideration, please send it to the Web Master. You can send it thru the mail on audio tape, on a CD, or you can send in digital format as an email attachment. I would prefer to get the material digitally as an email attachment, but feel free to send it in any format you feel most comfortable with.

Windemuth Family Organization
James Wintermute, Web Master
517 Monroe Street
Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53538

Email: jwintermute@windemuth.org


The following is an interview that was aired in Germany:


Radio Interview by Philip Artelt ,  hr4 mein Radio on 11-Aug-2010








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