Becoming a Member
Membership in the Windemuth Family Organization is open to all descendants of Johannes (Johan) Windemuth of Allendorf, Germany and others interested in Windemuth Family history.
The Windemuth Family Organization is a non-profit and depends on voluntary contributions for support. Our treasurer provides full accounting of the funds, files annual tax returns and presents a complete report at each biennial reunion. Contributions are used to publish our twice-a-year newsletter, provide operational expenses for our web site, promotes the biennial international reunion, and other projects authorized by the Board of Directors.
Your contribution of $25 annually will significantly help us accomplish our purpose. A one-time contribution of $300 will help us endow the organization and recognizes the donor as a “Lifetime Member”. All this said, contributions of any amount are welcome and appreciated.
Contributions are payable in U.S. currency:
For Payment by credit card or PayPal:
For payment by Check:
Checks (in U.S. funds) should be made payable to the "Windemuth Family Organization" and mailed to:
Windemuth Family Organization
C/O Cathy Ingraham, Treasurer
P.O 20277
Beaumont, TX 77720-0277
Please include your full name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address and if known, how you fit into the Windemuth family tree.
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