
The Windemuth
Family Heritage

For information on the 2025 Windemuth Family Reunion, Click Here

J.G. House


Information  Submission  Form


To update or submit additional family information, please download and save this Information Submission Form to your computer.  It is a fillable PDF file that can be completed by clicking on its text fields and typing in your data.  Once it is completed, save the file to your computer, then attach it to an E-mail and send it to genealogy@windemuth.org .  Complete one form for each family unit.  Submit as many as needed.

Note: some PDF readers may not support the filling of form fields.  If you are experiencing this difficulty, consider downloading and installing the free Adobe Acrobat Reader .  When downloading this product, decline (uncheck) the two optional McAfee software items which are usually included as part of the “free” download.

If you prefer to complete the form(s) manually, print out as many blank copies of the Information Submission Form as you need and then enter your information by printing legibly.  Onced you have the form(s) completed, mail them to:

Mike Johnson, Genealogy Chairman
Windemuth Family Organization
20 Walsh Ct.
Brantford, Ontario N3T 5X9

E-mail Mike Johnson at mjohnson@windemuth.org with any questions about submissions.


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